So I bet you're wondering why I have a picture of some knotted yarn and a crochet hook. Well, I finally figured out how to do a treble stitch. I feel like an idiot becuase it's really not that difficult and it was giving me a hard time for a while. I happily share this small triumph with you.
Has it really been two weeks since my last update? Wow, I kind of feel bad for not really having a lot to show. It's not so much that I haven't been drawing, it's just... well yeah, I haven't been drawing. Quiet frankly I've been goofing off and watching T.V., and not even shows I like. My sketchbook just has a few pages of scribbly-scrawly gesture drawings of people reading on the bus or talking on their phones. Thankfully, there's school (more specifically my painting class), without it I probably wouldn't have anything of interest to show for the past two weeks.

And the piece on the left is loosly inspire by Erich Heckel nude, Bathing Woman with Towel. This is just a small portion of the painting, the rest is still a sort of pink and rust colored blur. I hope to finish this piece over the weekend. I figured once I get some space cleared up in my room I can set up my easel and get crackin' on it. Tomorrow I might try to head on to the goodwill and see if I can pcik up a cheap throw rug to use as a tarp so I don't mess up the floor.
I'm going to try and update more often, and definitely draw more. I'll see what I can do about getting some of my observational sketches up if anything.
Thanks to the four people who might read this!
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